Fundamental Commissioning
Fundamental commissioning
Fundamental commissioning is a systematic quality assurance process that verifies and documents that a new building and its systems are planned, designed, installed, tested, and maintained to meet the owner's project requirements. This critical process ensures optimal building performance from day one of operation.
Understanding Fundamental Commissioning
Fundamental commissioning begins during the pre-design phase and continues through construction, occupancy, and operations. It focuses on verifying that building systems perform interactively according to design intent and project requirements.
Systems Typically Commissioned:- HVAC (heating, ventilation, and air conditioning)
- Building automation and controls
- Electrical systems
- Plumbing systems
- Lighting controls
- Renewable energy systems
- Building envelope components
Key Benefits of Fundamental Commissioning
- Energy Efficiency
- Reduces energy consumption by 8-20%
- Ensures systems operate at peak efficiency
- Optimizes equipment performance
- Minimizes wasteful operation
- Financial Advantages
- Lowers operating costs
- Reduces maintenance expenses
- Minimizes costly system replacements
- Decreases warranty claims
- Building Performance
- Ensures proper system integration
- Validates design intentions
- Improves indoor air quality
- Enhances occupant comfort
- Risk Mitigation
- Identifies issues early in construction
- Reduces change orders
- Minimizes post-occupancy problems
- Ensures code compliance
Scope of Work for (LEED) Fundamental Commissioning
- Owner develops Owner’s Project Requirements (OPR)
- OPR must include requirements for the Building Enclosure
Schematic Design
- Design team develops Basis of Design (BOD)
- The BOD must respond and describe how the Building Enclosure meets the OPR
Design Development
- Owner designates CxA by the end of the design development phase, sooner if possible
- Owner and Design Team designate the CxA for the Building Enclosure (BE CxA)
- CxA reviews OPR and BOD
- BE CxA reviews OPR and BOD
- CxA conducts commissioning review of design drawings
- BE CxA conducts review of design drawings
- CxA develops initial commissioning plan
- BE CxA assists in developing commissioning plan
- Owner and Design Team update OPR and BOD as necessary
Construction Documents
- Project team incorporates commissioning requirements into construction documents
- Construction and Installation
- CxA verifies the installation and performance of commissioned systems
- CxA performs systems functional performance testing
Occupancy and Operation
- CxA develops final commissioning report
- CxA compiles Current Facilities Requirements (CFR) and Operation and Maintenance (O&M) Manual